General Shipping Advice

Our policy is to try and make shipping as cost-effective and as simple as possible so you receive your goods on time and in the right condition. That being said, it is important that you understand we are shipping large, bulky items and so we need your co-operation in making sure our deliveries arrive as planned. These are not items we can pop in your letterbox, leave with your neighbour or stash in your woodshed. Specifically we need you to help us by doing the following:

1. Plan your delivery. If you order before noon, your delivery will most likely arrive two days later but might arrive a day either side of that. If you order after noon, your delivery will most likely arrive three days later but might arrive a day either side of that.
2. Check your tracking and make sure you are going to be in on the day of delivery.
3. Understand that if you have ordered a desk it weighs 50kg and has a desk top nearly the height of a person and no-one wants to return the following day to attempt a second delivery.
4. Read our Delivery and Returns legal terms and conditions as they are binding.

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