Shipping and Delivery

  • Can I have next day delivery?

    Yes. We have a number of options on the website for next day delivery but it does cost extra. Note we cannot be held liable or responsible if the goods are delayed by the carrier. We will apply on your behalf for a rebate for the extra shipping cost but the terms and conditions of the shippers a...
  • Can I have Saturday delivery?

    Sorry but not any more. It was a disaster and our clients were often left disappointed. We have terminated the service.
  • Can I specify a delivery date?

    We use 3rd party couriers so we cannot 100% guarantee that a delivery will take place on a specific day. We are more than happy to store goods and dispatch for arrival on a target date but we cannot be held responsible or liable if for some reason the courier fails to deliver on the target day.
  • Can you ship to Channel Islands?

    Yes, we frequently ship to the Channel Islands. It is VAT free. You can pay online and we refund the VAT or you can advise us of what you want and we will send you an invoice link to pay online. You can also pay the shipping online as we have an option for the off-shore islands.
  • General Shipping Advice

    Our policy is to try and make shipping as cost-effective and as simple as possible so you receive your goods on time and in the right condition. That being said, it is important that you understand we are shipping large, bulky items and so we need your co-operation in making sure our deliveries a...
  • How will the goods be packaged?

    All our goods are packaged for courier shipment and so if the package is damaged please email us immediately with photos attached where possible. If the packaging is fine open it up. If there are any missing items email us immediately. If there is any damage to internal parts email us immediate...
  • I'm having a palletised delivery? What will happen?

    The pallet will arrive on a truck (not a van) which has a tail lift and a pallet truck. The driver will offload the pallet and use the pallet truck to deliver to your door or Goods In. Delivery is to the door. The delivery person will not remove or take away any packaging. They are not obliged to...
  • My frame has arrived but not my desktop

    If you opted for 2-day shipping TNT may deliver your frame 1 day earlier than your desk top. The desktop will take the full 2 days to ship due to its size. It does not fit on the conveyor belts at TNT depots so must be manually handled.
  • What are the shipping costs?

    Shipping to mainland UK is a 2 day service and is free. Shipping to Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland is a next day service and is free. We charge extra for the following zones: Channel and offshore Islands: £48.00 flat rate for any shipment up to 20Kg and then £1.05 per Kg thereafter...
  • What will the delivery person do?

    Delivery is to the door. The delivery person will not remove or take away any packaging. They are not obliged to place your delivery inside your house but will probably do so if asked.
  • Who do you ship with?

    We have spent some time finding reliable and careful shipping partners and we are proud to work with them. They are: TNT DPD DSV We know that these companies are reliable, they deliver on time  >99% of the time. They handle our goods with care and they have tracking which can be relied upon....