What are the advantages of an electric over a manual desk?

This is not such a strange question and one we get asked a lot. So why electric over manual:

  • No need to wind the desk. This can be a deal breaker for some clients and some people develop a psychological barrier to wanting to wind the desk and so stop using the standing function. Strange but true. 
  • You always end up at the same standing or seated height by using the memory function on the electric desk.
  • It's much smoother to move up and down.
  • Electric desks are more stable.
  • Electric desks do have a certain wow factor you will not get from a manual desk.
  • Our electric desks have a greater top height and height range.


  • Electric desks are more expensive.
  • You do have to plug them in so you need to be near an electrical outlet.
  • Manual desks should last forever as there is almost nothing to wear out.

So there you have it. Some of the advantages and disadvantages. For me electric every time. You only live once.

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